Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Pee Politics

Thanks everyone for your feedback. It's been inspirational.
Just a quick post to enlighten you on what has been a disturbing few days at work.

Over the last 48 hours I have experienced multiple (i repeat multiple) contraventions of the unwritten laws of urinal politics. Not once but twice have I exercised my right as the first 'drainee' to choose the furtherest of three urinals. This illustration of urinal etiquette (as it creates a situation where upon arrival of the second 'drainee' he can select the opposite urinal thus leaving the middle urinal as a buffer) was completely disregarded by the good people of Manhattan - as they chose to frequent the middle cubicle. The offending drainees, not content with their initial infractions, proceeded to disgust me further. The first attempted an informal conversation about the weather - a second contravention of the laws except where alcohol has been involved - I ignored him. The second proceeded to intitiate an exorcism of whatever was residing in his chest - I dry reached and evacuated hastily.

New York's great. There's just a lot of freaks here.

Kate Wilkie's birthday today. She has reminded me constantly since our arrival. I thought it prudent to buy her a present. On Saturday night I ate the last slice of cheese. Kate loves cheese. When she left Fiddlesticks later that evening, she had only one thing on her mind - that last cheese slice - which she assumed was still there. Upon arriving home I received a mini Spanish Inquisition into the whereabouts of the said cheese slice.

So for Kate's birthday I bought her a nice little pink box (with a bow) and placed inside a slice of cheese. I also got her a can opener because she bought cans of soup despite our apartment lacking the means with which to open them. So thoughtful.

So it's out for Mexican and a few Coronas tonight.
Work not worth writing about. I'm here though. It's a small price to pay.